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Parenting As A Hero's Journey - featuring API's Lysa Parker and Barbara Nicholson

Image removed.Do you think of yourself as an ostracized weirdo or a hero on a journey? The Old Story, with its demands for cultural conformity, wants you to believe you are crazy for questioning it, much less taking steps away from its prescription for living your life and enculturating your children. The New Story, however, views your impulse to question and abandon culture, and its threat of disapproval, as a Call to Adventure, the first step on an epic Hero's Journey.

Don't worry, you're still a freak for questioning and abandoning culture, much less trying to change the world, but Evolution Could Not Happen Without The Freaks-of-Nature Leading The Way.

So hoist your freak flag and meet us over at the Parenting As A Hero's Journey website where we are headed for a full year of LIVE Virtual Retreats with like-hearted adventurers, freaks and heroes to explore and take home with us the treasures of conscious living and parenting. As Joseph Campbell, author of The Hero of a Thousand Faces and creator of The Hero's Journey monomyth wheel said, “We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

API's own Lysa Parker and Barbara Nicholson are guides on the journey, discussing Mindful Parenting: The Spiritual Essence of Attachment.