What People are Saying about API
What People Are Saying
I was inspired to become a more confident parent but also a better person.
I want you to know I had an amazing time [at the Cherishing Parents, Flourishing Children symposium]. We had to leave Sunday but wished I could have stayed for the last two days. It was humbling to be around so many speakers, founders, leaders, doctors, staff and more who believed in Attachment as our future. It made me feel alive. I was home! I was inspired to become a more confident parent but also a better person.
I knew before I became pregnant that I was going to be an attached parent. I have Eckhart Tolle to thank for my journey from trying to find peace to finding API. The Present was my guide. Once my eyes were open to API there was no other way.
I hope to become a leader someday. There are no groups in my area, Dyer Indiana, so I attend a group in Napperville IL. It's about an hour and thirty minutes away. We NEED a group and I feel there would be a high amount of parents who would attend. Like so many parents will tell you there's an overwhelming amount of information about birth but not about parenting.
It was an honor to meet you and I really hope to met with you again. Hey, you never know. Maybe I'll out bid everyone this Saturday for a phone coaching session (I don't think I stand a chance!!) To tell you the truth I'd love a "choose compassion" t-shirt. I would wear it proud and give it to Agnes when she gets older.
Thank you for everything you have done to make this world a kinder, more loving and compassionate place.
Katie Bieker
They are the real deal
Let me just put it out there like it is: in this age of taxes and required subsidizing it is difficult to give money. However, AP is our life. I can think of no better organization to happily and joyfully give my money to than API. They are the real deal, no fake people or shady motives. API has a kept its professional, upstanding reputation for decades now. If every family everywhere subscribed to its teachings and philosophies there would actually be peace on earth. I only wish I had more to give. With much love!!! D., 2013 Annual Appeal Supporter
Thank you for your efforts to make this a better world...
"It is my pleasure to do a small part in facilitating the good efforts of API. I am of course a huge believer in attachment parenting. API supports parents that know in their hearts keeping their baby close and meeting their needs as they express it, is important to the health and well being of their baby. They may not be getting the support from their community but find that support and education from API. I have heard this many times.
Thank you for your efforts to make this a better world for our babies and families."
Karin Frost
Creator and Founder of ERGObaby
All thanks to support from you...
"Big family is there and it's so important for the little ones to be around grandma, grandpa, cousins.... and easier on the mother :) During the time we spent in our village, Melek was always on someone's lap, shoulder... I thought she would forget to walk!!! :))) And no one says "put her down" since it's the way life is there.....
I would love to meet anyone who's a part of the API. Please feel free to share my email. I'll also give you my phone number or I'll call them if you prefer. Melek doesn't take 24 hours of my time anymore :) ....I guess around 2- 2.5 it gets much easier.
Melek will be 3 in February 15! . She is a gem!!!! Loves life, happy little girl!!! She loves animals like her mommy. This September we stopped nursing. 2 years 7 months....what a journey. Best thing I have done in my life! Happy, proud and no regrets :))) All thanks to support from you guys. I still wonder if I should have continued...but she must have been ready for it, as it only took a few nights....When she slept through one night, I thought that maybe she's ready and next night when she asked for it I put her on my shoulder instead, walked around the room and sang and she slept....continued like this for a few more nights. And now she sleeps through the night peacefully together with us....and she's not even 3 yet! As Dr Sears says: You meet the need and it will go away, ... when you don't meet the need it will haunt you later. Every age has its own developmental needs. The wisdom behind it and being able to see the big picture!!!
This all makes you go back and think of all the times people scare you. "She will never stop" "She needs to cry a little" "She will want to breastfeed forever" "it will be harder later" blah blah blah. I have to think back and remember which one needed more effort: Taking care of the baby or giving report to the people around ---"Bend the tree while it's young" ---She's not a tree! "She will spoil" -- She's not fruit!!! I get the tree a lot :)) Looooool!!!! Now I can laugh.
Anyways, one of these days I'll have to share with you Melek's sleep history. Maybe it will help someone. This was the biggest challenge for me....more because I was so much in doubt but now when I think about it all happened as it was meant to be. No recipes (besides API's recommended books :) ) no training, just follow your heart and let her be....and all does work out. She's not even 3 and sleeps through the night! I do miss the nursing though I have to admit. Nothing like it in the world...What a special gift! Oh well now we cuddle when we wake up."
Solen and Melek
Happy 30th Birthday!
"I am so grateful I found you in 2008. Your wisdom and advice have helped me be a more confident, patient, and compassionate parent. Happy 30th and here's to 30 more!"
Parent N